B&K 600-606 tube tester

This article discusses repair and calibration of the B&K 600 / 606  tube testers.  Both models can share the same tube setup data book, and therefore both models are functionally equivalent.    Model 606 will be example shown in this article.  Electrical voltages are present, repairs should only be attempted by a qualified technician. Copyrighted

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B&K 607 – 667 Tube Tester

This article discusses the solid-state B&K 607 / 667 tube testers.  Both models use the same tube setup data book, and therefore both models are functionally equivalent.  Model 607 will be example shown in this article.  Electrical voltages are present, repairs should only be attempted by a qualified technician. Copyrighted, all rights reserved. This series

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B&K 700 & 707 tube tester

©2008, Bob Putnak.  All rights reserved.  This article discusses the B&K 707 Dyna-Jet Dynamic Mutual Conductance tube tester, including repair and calibration. The discussion is also relevant to the B&K 700 (the 700 is almost identical except for socket configuration) and some of the information is applicable to the B&K 650. The B&K 707 tube

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