The 2050 Gas Thyratron tube is a tube used in many Seeburg jukeboxes. Even though a 2050 tube is not listed on the setup charts of Sencore Mighty Mite models TC162 and TC28, you can test them.
Settings are 6-A-5, socket #1.
The key to a proper test is that you MUST engage the LIFE TEST during emission testing to reveal a substandard tube that will not reliably handle the current levels needed.
When testing for shorts, a slight glow of the shorts lamp (TC162) or modest meter deflection during shorts test (TC28) is fine. Only “hard shorts” are a real problem with this tube, so common sense is required here. It is not uncommon to see some minor shorts indication (which is actually leakage, not a hard short) in a gas thyratron, and for a 2050 tube, is sometimes seen at pins 6 or 8. Again, only a hard indication of a short would be grounds for rejecting the tube as actually shorted.
This is the key to testing ANY tube in a Mighty Mite, but especially for any power tube, thyratron tube, or rectifier tube.