A quick example where a Sencore Mighty Mite (here, a TC28) finds a defect in a 12FV7 that the BK 707 (in the Jet-Test upper panel) cannot find the defect.

If you read my previous blog post, the test setup data for 12FV7 is faulty. With my corrected setup data, this defect is now found. That said, finding this defect is simply due to it being tested in the bottom panel. Had this defect been in a 12AX7, 12AU7, 12BH7, or other tube that is acceptably tested in socket #8, this defect would have gone unnoticed.
This is yet another example of Mighty Mites having superior shorts and leakage tests.
Anyway, for completeness, here is a photo of the defect being found when tested in the bottom panel using my corrected setup data for 12FV7.