I recently found a February 1940 Jackson tube tester modernization bulletin. This bulletin explains the modernization options available for Jackson tube tester models 627, 627-C, 630, 633, 634, 634-C, 634-D, 635, 637, 680. It also includes the wiring diagram to install a Loctal socket into models 627, 630, 633, 635, 680.
Very interesting bulletin for anyone collecting or repairing vintage Jackson tube testers. I have scanned this 4-page document into a PDF for your benefit.
[ Download the Jackson 1940 Modernization Bulletin PDF ]
To summarize the bulletin:
- Models 634 and 637 sold in 1940 were already modernized at the factory
- Models 634 and 637 sold in their first year (1939) can be easily modernized by the owner (see my article on Jackson 634 for modernization data to install 9-pin miniature socket into these models).
- Models 627, 630, 633, 635, and 680 could be sent back to the Jackson factory and modernized for $5.00 (model 633) or $6.50 (models 627, 630, and 635, which dated from 1938), or $12.50 (model 680). All five of these models had to modernized at the factory because they required installation of a supplementary high-voltage filament transformer, among other parts.
- Models 427-A, 435-A, 535, and 580 were too obsolete to be modernized because “no provision for the high voltage filament types can be made. Miniature types cannot be tested.” Jackson noted that these models were “as much as five years old”, which dates them between 1935 and 1940. Jackson recommended upgrading to the new 1940 models of 634 and 637.